Thursday, March 13, 2008

Daniel Andrew Romney

He's here finally!!! Daniel Andrew Romney was born March 12, 2008 @ 8:52 pm. He weighed 10 lbs. 2 oz and was 22 inches long. As you will see from the pictures, he is a very big boy!

I had my normal checkup on Tues. of this week and did a non-stress test on the baby (because I was over due) and Daniel was fine but I still had to have an ultrasound on Wed. to make sure everything was ok. When I went to get the ultrasound Daniel was still fine but my fluid was a little low and the blood flow through the umbilical cord was not as high as they would've liked. So they called my midwife at the birth center and told her I should probably try to deliver the baby today. I got to the birth center at about 2 p.m. and through "natural" inducing techniques we were able to get labor going and I delivered him at 8:52 p.m.

We are at home now (you don't stay overnight at the birth center) and everything is going great. My mom is her watching the kids for me so me and Daniel have slept all day to recover from yesterday. We are all grateful he is here.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

40 Weeks and Beyond

Disclaimer: This is going to be a pretty whiny, cynical blog, so for those of you who know and prefer me as happy-go-lucky Christy, please feel free to check my blog again in 1-2 weeks, when there will be a picture of that Christy will be smiling with her new baby in her arms!

Okay, okay so now I am officially "overdue", and I thought I would post my favorite things about being 40 weeks and beyond for those people "who always have there babies early" so they can know how much fun it is. And also for those of us who are always overdue, maybe you can relate and tell me a story of someone being over due that is worse than mine to make me feel better.

1. Only 3 maternity shirts fit me now, so when I'm going out of my house I have to try and remember who I saw 3 days ago and if I was wearing the same shirt so people don't know I can only fit into three shirts. Plus, the shirts I have been washing over and over now are coming unthreaded around the belly line, which makes me feel even better.

2. EVERYWHERE you go, people ask when are you due, and you get to say, "yesterday, last week, etc." and a see look of horror cross their face. Then it's always, "well, is your doctor going to induce you?" Then I get to explain the whole birthing center, midwife thing and then you get the whole "you are crazy" look. Usually they walk away muttering something under their breath.

3. I cry my head off everytime I leave my weekly check-up because again NOTHING IS HAPPENING in my uterus that even indicates I will go into labor anytime soon. Thanks mom for talking to me on the way home (I think she was worried she will have to fly down to keep me from going into depression and when the baby comes!).

4. Greg tells me when I get home from the appointment (still crying, I've read you can only really cry for 45 minutes at a time, but I have disproved that theory MANY times), "you should always plan on going late, you're ALWAYS late." When I explain to him that every labor is different and most people have some kids early and some days late, he says. "well, YOU just need to plan on always going late, you wil NEVER go early." Thanks, hon. After this discussion we changed my due date to March 20th on the calendar, so that now I can be surprised if I go earlier than that.

People really do say some of the funniest things when you are pregnant. One of the new funny things someone said to me a couple days ago, after asking when I was due, "Oh, you're due that soon, you shouldn't be out. I don't like when people go out that close to there due date you could get hit by a car. When I was 9 months pregnant, I almost got hit by a car." What? Why? Because you can't walk as fast? I'm sure if I was threatened by oncoming traffic, I could go pretty fast for a pregnant lady. "Okay, I'll try and be careful, " I said.

Really, though I am grateful to have a healthy baby and I know that is the most important thing, so I will continue to wait (just maybe not patiently). We are all excited to have a new baby in the house. Even Scott will ask me everyday, "Mom, when is your baby coming out?" Scott, not you too!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Week without Greg

Okay I wasn't as good at taking picutres as I thought, but I did take this one of us having heart shaped muffins with srpinkles that me and the kids made together. It was one of my "good mom moments." Trust me, those seem to be happening less and less the longer I am pregnant.

I'm not sure if the next pictures are embarrassing, pathetic, or downright cool! One of the fun things I did the night before Greg came home was have a SOLO GIRL'S NIGHT! I got a babysitter and went shopping at the craft store, ate at Panera Bread (thier french onion soup is so good!), and went to the temple. I was thinking that I might feel dumb sitting by myself at Panera Bread eating dinner. But when I got there, I realized there were lots of people sitting by themselves, you just had to have a laptop you were using. I didn't have a laptop, but I did have my new cool phone that Greg got me for Valentine's Day that is Wi-Fi compatible. So I checked my email while I ate at Panera. I did feel dumb asking people to take my picture (but I knew Ryan & Jessica would be proud), but I already had the excuse if people asked me why I would tell them I was on one of those picture scavenger hunts. It really was a fun, relaxing night and I was grateful to get to go to the temple one more time before I have my baby!

The last day Greg was gone we went to a party for one of Scott's friends Evan. Here are pics of the kids there. Scott LOVES birthday cake and ate 3 pieces and would've eaten more if I would've let him.