Ok, so I've been out of the blogging world awhile and probably no one will even read this, but after blogging tonight I realized I want to do it more. I don't know why it is so hard for me to sit down at the computer and actually blog. Maybe because I worry it need to be funny or entertaining, etc. But I really want to start bloggin because when I was looking at some blogs tonight I realized how cool it is to remember how you were feeling that day and remembering the little things that happen. I KNOW I will forget the little things, and I really do want remember those and how it felt to be a mom at what ever stage of kids I'm going through. So thanks to those of you who have cool blogs who inspired me to want to blog more. (We'll see if I actually do it :)
Good idea #1: Fingerpainting in the bathtub! I found these bath paints at Wal-Mart and they were a blast and I didn't have to stress out that the kids were getting paint all over, I just washed it off of the shower wall after. Daniel even got to paint!
Good Idea #2: For Scott's party we had a Star Wars themed party and I went to Party City where light saber blowups were $6.99 each x 16 kids = not worth it! So I found the idea online of cutting pool noodles in half ($2 per noodle = $1 per kid), and covering the bottom with duct tape! The kids loved them, and I felt great that I threw a successful kid birthday party (that stuff stresses me out, but I love the internet, once I looked online I felt alot better, there were so many cool ideas! Plus, if you'll notice, Daniel is in his diaper in all the pictures. Seriously, what mom doesn't dress her kid for a party? A mom who has to put all of her mental energy into planning a party. The funny thing is that I do not get stressed out planning parties for adults, just kids.) So here are some pics of Scott's 5th birthday party!
Ok, so as I am posting this, I can't get my pictures to move down in the blog, so I just left them at the top. What's the deal? Does anyone else have a hard time dragging the pictures down? I'm just gonna leave them at the top for now, if any one else knows any blogging secrets, please share!
Ok, now for Scott! I love that kid so much! I really enjoy babies and toddlers, but I love also that Scott is older that we can have converstaions together and enjoy sports, coloring and watching him learn new things. He is a very sweet, loving boy and loves to spend time with the family. He makes me laugh and loves music and dancing. We have so much fun with him. He loves all sports and I worry he is going to have a hard time deciding which ones to play when he gets older. His first three words were mama, dada and football if that gives you any indication of how much he loves sports. I am so grateful for him! I would post a picture of him if I thought I could drag it down!